İnternet ortamında hizmet sağlayıcıların hukuka aykırı içerikten sorumluluğu
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: İnternetin ilk dönemlerinin içerik bakımından edilgen hizmet sağlayıcıları, yıllar içerisinde aracılık ettikleri içerik hakkında bilgi ve kontrol sahibi olan etken yapılara dönüşmüştür. Hizmet sağlayıcıların, birçok farklı fonksiyonda işlev gören girift yapılara dönüşmesi, aracılık ettiği hukuka aykırı içerik üzerindeki hangi faaliyetleri kapsamında sorumluluktan muaf tutulacaklarını belirsizleştirmiştir. Belirsizliklerin farklı uygulamalara neden olarak yeksenaklığı bozması, dijital ortamın güvenirliğini zedelemiş; hukuka aykırı içerikle mücadelede, hizmet sağlayıcıların sorumluluğu meselesini yeniden gündeme getirmiştir. Çalışmada, teknik hizmet sağlayıcılar için benimsenen sorumluluk rejiminin, sağlayıcıların teknoloji ve medya yakınsaması ile dönüştüğü hibrit modeller bakımından işlevsiz kalmaya başladığı yerler saptanarak, dijital hizmetlerdeki evrimi yakalayabilen düzenlemelerin nasıl olması gerektiği incelenmektedir. Bu kapsamda, hizmet sağlayıcılarının sorumluluğuna ilişkin ABD'deki öncül düzenlemelerin oluşum sürecinden yola çıkılarak AB düzenlemelerinden E-Ticareti Direktifi sorumluluk rejimine ilişkin doktrin görüşleri ve politika geliştiren kurumların tutumları incelenmekte, yargı kararları ile uygulamanın nasıl geliştiği somutlaştırılmakta, Dijital Hizmetler Yasası ile nasıl bir sorumluluk rejimine doğru gidildiği gösterilmektedir.
ABSTRACT: In the early days of the internet, passive service providers in terms of content have transformed over the years into active entities that have knowledge and control over the content they intermediate. The transformation of service providers into complex structures that perform multiple functions has created uncertainty about which activities they will be exempt from liability for in relation to illegal content they mediate. The disruption of uniformity caused by uncertainties leading to different applications has undermined the reliability of the digital environment. This has brought the issue of the liability of service providers to tackle illegal content online into question. In this study, it is examined how regulations should be in order to catch up with the evolution of digital services by shedding light on areas where the responsibility regime adopted for technical intermediaries is becoming ineffective in hybrid models where intermediaries are transformed by technology and media convergence. Within this context, the formation process of the leading regulations on the liability of service providers in the US is taken as a starting point. Then, the doctrinal opinions and attitudes of institutions that develop policies on the liability regime of the E-Commerce Directive of the EU are examined, and how the implementation has evolved in judicial decisions is concretized. It is demonstrated how a liability regime is being established with the Digital Services Act.
ABSTRACT: In the early days of the internet, passive service providers in terms of content have transformed over the years into active entities that have knowledge and control over the content they intermediate. The transformation of service providers into complex structures that perform multiple functions has created uncertainty about which activities they will be exempt from liability for in relation to illegal content they mediate. The disruption of uniformity caused by uncertainties leading to different applications has undermined the reliability of the digital environment. This has brought the issue of the liability of service providers to tackle illegal content online into question. In this study, it is examined how regulations should be in order to catch up with the evolution of digital services by shedding light on areas where the responsibility regime adopted for technical intermediaries is becoming ineffective in hybrid models where intermediaries are transformed by technology and media convergence. Within this context, the formation process of the leading regulations on the liability of service providers in the US is taken as a starting point. Then, the doctrinal opinions and attitudes of institutions that develop policies on the liability regime of the E-Commerce Directive of the EU are examined, and how the implementation has evolved in judicial decisions is concretized. It is demonstrated how a liability regime is being established with the Digital Services Act.
Anahtar Kelimeler
E-Ticaret Direktifi, Dijital Hizmetler Yasası, Hizmet Sağlayıcılar, Aracılık Faaliyetleri, Sorumluluk Rejimi, E-Commerce Directive, Digital Services Act, Service Providers, Intermediary Activities, Liability Regime